Calling all plant parents!  Has your indoor obsession infiltrated your outdoor space?  Green thumbs all over have been anxiously tending their indoor plants and creating grand plans for their outdoor space with their newfound love of greenery.  Whether you’re new to outdoor landscaping or a seasoned gardener – we’re tackling the biggest landscaping don’ts of 2021.

Don’t Start Without a Plan

Are you one of those people who likes to wing it?  Just go with the flow?  According to experts, that’s not the ideal way to approach your landscaping.  Having a firm plan in place allows you to plan for everything, from planting the appropriate amount of flowers, bushes, and trees; to making sure you have exactly enough space for that chic trellis and garden path.  Always lay out what you’re thinking ahead of time, so you don’t overcrowd or run out of room.



Don’t Plant Only One Thing

Planting your favorite flowers is always a great idea, but it’s important to add variety! When putting together a plan, you want to think in terms of the bloom season for each piece.  If your favorite flower blooms in early spring, you will have no other blooms for summer and fall.  It’s better to purchase a selection of plants with different peak times so you can enjoy beauty in your space through all seasons.  Selecting different plants also gives you the opportunity to play with levels and texture in your space.


Don’t Go Overboard with Privacy Planting

Large shrubs may sometimes feel like a better idea than installing a privacy fence. But the more shrubs you include on your property line, the more maintenance you will need to budget for each year.  Beautifully tamed shrubs do not stay that way, you will need to make ample time for pruning and shaping all year long.

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Don’t Limit Yourself

Think big, friends!  If you love gardening and want to fill your space with greenery – the sky is the limit!  Don’t let conventional gardening “dos and don’ts” steer you out of making the right choices for your home and garden.  Remember:  someone’s do is another’s don’t – so make yourself happy and show off those gorgeous greens.

Looking to make some large landscaping changes this fall to set yourself up for a springtime success?  Hall Financial can help!  With rates still at historic lows, a refinance might be the perfect solution for lowering your monthly payment and taking some cash out for a garden renovation.  With most of our loans closing in 8-days or less, financial freedom might be closer than you know.  Call 248.308.5000 to learn more about refinancing today!

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