Do you know which loan works best for you? Are you looking to obtain a loan to purchase a home? Do you want to refinance your current mortgage? It’s ok if you don’t know the answers. The team at Hall Financial does!
Our mortgage experts can help you from the pre-approval process to when you sign on the dotted line at closing. We are here to help you every step of the way.
Your Loan Options
Fixed Rate Loans
Fixed periods of 8 to 30 years available
Buy a home with as little as 0% down
Refinance up to 97% of your primary home’s value
Monthly Payment (principal & interest) will remain the same for the life of the loan
USDA rural development loans are for homes located in eligible rural areas
This program offers fully-amortizing, fixed-rate mortgage financing
USDA loans require no down payment
Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC) allows homeowners to borrow money against the equity they have in their home and receive that money as a line of credit
If you are a homeowner, you can use this money from your home for home improvements or debt consolidation