
Home Purchase

Scotsman Guide: With Equity Still On The Rise Growing Prices Great News For Homeowners!


A recent piece in the Scotsman Guide by Arnie Aurellano touched on the newfound surge in home equity.  According to the article, almost 18 million homes in the country were equity-rich in the first quarter of this year. That is almost a third of all mortgaged

Scotsman Guide: With Equity Still On The Rise Growing Prices Great News For Homeowners!2021-05-25T16:14:17-04:00

Are you ready to buy a house? Here is how to save money!


Are You Ready To Buy A House? Here Is How To Save Money! Around this time of year many couples, new families and long-term residents begin to look at buying a home or even refinancing! Here is some food for

Are you ready to buy a house? Here is how to save money!2021-03-19T11:06:51-04:00

3 Things Lenders Don’t Want to See on Your Bank Statements


3 Things Lenders Don’t Want to See on Your Bank Statements 1. Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) charges When you bounce a check or try to buy something without enough money in your account, it will show up on your bank statement

3 Things Lenders Don’t Want to See on Your Bank Statements2020-08-14T11:38:20-04:00