What is a Home Inspection?

Summary: A home inspection examines a residential property to determine if there are any problems or issues. Home inspectors will examine your home and provide information on the home’s condition. There are many benefits to a home inspection, such as confidence in the home purchase.
Whether you are a first-time home buyer or a seasoned shopper, before you apply for a mortgage, consider a home inspection. The home inspection provides buyers with an opportunity to identify and be aware of any issues that may exist before going through with the home sale.
To prevent bias, inspectors are independent from mortgage lenders and sellers. They will examine your home and provide information on the home’s condition. According to the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), most inspectors conduct an examination of the following:
- Heating system
- Central Air Conditioning System
- Interior Plumbing and Electrical Systems
- Roof
- Attic
- Walls
- Ceilings
- Floors
- Windows and Doors
- Foundation
- Basement
- Structural Components
The goal and purpose behind the home inspection is to highlight any concerning issues or damages that may need attention within the home.
Benefits of a Home Inspection:
Getting a home inspection done holds various benefits for the buyer. In addition to knowing the condition of your home, a home inspection also provides buyers with:
- The ease of safely living in the home
- Feeling confident in the home sale
- Leverage to negotiate price if significant issues within the home are found
Once the home inspection is done, the home inspector will hand the buyer and realtor a report that details any and all issues found within the home. If the issues are minimal, buyers may continue with the home sale. However, if there are significant issues that need attention, the buyer can either walk away from the home sale or negotiate to a lower price.
For more information, chat with us at callhallfirst.com or give us a call at 866-Call-Hall.