What Is a Single Family Home?

When searching for your first or next home there are different home choices you will have in the marketplace. There are condominiums and townhomes but the most prevalent type of home is the single family home.
Single family homes are detached homes with 4 walls, a roof and property you own. These types of homes do not share any common walls to any other structure. As the owner, are responsible for the structure and the property around it including maintenance and repairs. With a condominium or townhouse, you typically have an association who is responsible for the maintenance on the outside and maintaining the grounds, landscaping and seasonal maintenance.
There are a number of positives to owning a single-family residence including having more privacy, the ability to modify anything on the property without approval and more space. The downside to it is the increased expenses associated with the above. Also, single family residences are typically more costly but in recent years that gap has been narrowing.
When beginning to search for a home, especially if it is your first home it is important to work with a trusted and experienced real estate professional who can educate and guide you through the process.